Network status

There are no known outages on our network

Contact our technical helpdesk if you are having issues with your internet connection.
Phone 0800 114 973 or email

Recent outages

Status Incident start Incident end Areas affected Details
Resolved Fri, 18 Oct Sun, 20 Oct Ruatahuna Update 10:43AM: There is currently an issue with the fiber supply which feeds our wireless network. We have reported the fault to our supplier and will provide updates as soon as they become available.
Connections in Ruatahuna are out and we are working to get the issue fixed as soon as possible.

Past outages

Status Incident start Incident end Areas affected Details
Resolved 3 Sep 2024 17 Sep 2024 South of Hokitika / Mt French Tower Update 10 September: Network outages are due to lightning strikes and we should be able to get up the mountain Wednesday 11 September when the weather clears.
Due to weather conditions we are experiencing network outages south of Hokitika. Apologies for the inconvenience, our technicians are working on it.
Resolved 27 Jun 2024 5 Jul 2024 Mt French We have technical issues with our Mt French tower. Our techs plan on being up there Saturday to fix it.
Resolved 26 Jun 2024 4 Jul 2024 Ruatoki, Matahi and Ruatahuna Update 28 June: Ruatoki and Matahi are still out with a power issue. We hope to have it going Saturday afternoon when the technician is on site.
The network is out due to solar power issues. Our techs are working on getting it going as soon as possible.